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Sunday, June 13, 2010

First thoughts and then some...


So, this update is going to be brief and shallow... sorry guys! I arrived here at camp Friday night, bought some yum-licious tacos and then slept.... a lot. Saturday is our free day, so after a quick and painless orientation I had the whole day to do whatever! I played my guitar for a while, but I'm losing my voice so I kind of sounded like the love child of Bob Dylan and a dying water buffalo... oh well. I'm posting a video up of the camp where I'm staying so you will all have a visual to go with what I describe in later posts. Honestly, I don't have a whole lot more I can report at this point other than I LOVE my peeps here. Seriously. I have so many friends now! Gosh dang it, I feel popular. I will be working this week with a team on a construction project--so I'll really get down to business starting Monday. I cannot wait. I was studying Joshua this morning (yes, in an attempt to recover my voice I slept in and missed church...) to take in how he managed to follow someone like Moses. I feel like I've got a big task in front of me and I need to be prepared! At any rate... I promise to talk more about deeper issues later on, but I just wanted to make sure you guys don't feel neglected.

One brief comment about my peeps! I have to give you all a quick rundown of some of my friends whose names you'll need to know for later posts...

Emily: I met her on Friday, but we had been e-mailing prior to summer. She's super goofy and amazing and I'm so happy she's here. I feel like she'll get my humor. She totally reminds me of my brother David. And anyone who knows me knows that's a BIG complement. :)

Thomas: He's another intern here, and he's from OREGON! How exciting is that? He's really tall... and I like to make fun of him because I always catch him in the same spot, playing his computer. I need to get to know him more, but as I've been a sleeping bum lately, it's been kind of hard. hah! I feel like he has a witty sense of humor... I shall investigate this and report back to you.

Sandy: She's kind of like an intern/staff hybrid and super cool. She claims not to speak English but I've heard her and she sounds really good. hah! I can't wait to get to know her more because she seems very nice and has really great hair. This is a plus. Also, she's got this like quiet, mysterious cool girl vibe. I sound like a stalker right now. I'm going to switch subjects...

Anahi: Sandy's sister! Super quiet.. I haven't really gotten to talk to her yet. She loves to laugh, though... and I think that means she's cool

Good grief I could go on and on but I need to go right now... So we'll call this list incomplete but soon to be lengthened after further study!!!

"another fine bit of writing brought to you by yours truly"

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