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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Great is Thy Faithfulness... A quick comment on some of what God's up to here

Hello, Dear Readers!

This really doesn't relate so well to my previous post about the breakfast program, so in the name of immaculately-organized blogs I decided to waste more cyberspace and create a new post...  here goes.

     This still doesn't feel real, but I'm going to write the blog anyway. A few Sundays ago, a lady at my church here told me she needed to talk to me after the service. I knew her from YUGO--she volunteered with a group of ladies on Sunday afternoons to cook a special meal for the campers' first day. I had no idea what she needed to talk about, but as the ladies continuously joked about finding me my husband, I was only hoping she wasn't going to try to introduce me to anyone! Well, she began by saying, "Alyssa, the Lord has given me a word for you and I'm sorry it took so long for me to tell you the message." Oh. My. Word. Yeah, you could say she had my attention. This woman then began to go point-by-point, giving me answers to some pretty serious prayers of late. She told me, "The Lord has given you the anointing of worship leader. Seek God in praise and worship, and he will open the doors." That was only part of what she said! It was crazy. We talked for a little while longer, but we both went our ways after the service. God, however, had more in store for me that day.
      I was out of the house all afternoon that day, but for "some reason" when I got home that night after the youth service at church, I decided to check my computer. I had a message waiting for me from a friend saying that this person wanted to give support financially for me here during my time in Mexico. Great indeed is the faithfulness of our Father! It blows my mind. Remember the scripture that says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" ? Well, It's true!
      But wait! There's more!
      I've been invited as a "special musical guest" at a brunch for the church leadership/staff on Saturday, September 11th. It's apparently pretty important, and it's on the beach! I'm going to lead worship for about 20-30 minutes and then I'll be playing background music as they carry on and scarf down victuals, as it were. Please keep this date in prayer! I get realllllllly nervous when I sing in Spanish--and I'll be leading worship for a worship team. But you know what? We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. And if my God can put His words in the mouth of a lady at my church, and provide for me financially through a friend in another country, then maybe--just maybe--he can help me out with my nerves too.
      Let us never forget to trust in the One who is worthy of all out devotion! Believe me. I am speaking from experience when I tell you that if you are seeking God, he will take care of the rest. We do not need to waste mental energy agonizing over the details. Instead, save that mental energy to think about Him and trust in His faithfulness.

"another fine bit of writing brought to you by yours truly"

Photo Blog {attempt number one...}

In the midst of our ever-savvy and technologically prideful generation, I took it upon myself to try to put pictures on my blog page. And let me tell you, that was a NO-GO. So I've got a link on this blog that will take you to a photo album on my Facebook page. There's just no way to really convey what a "breakfast feeding program" is until you see it. The basic info you need to know: Haidet (my roommate) and I go every Wednesday and Friday to support a local feeding program that serves anywhere from forty to one hundred children on their way to school. Many of these children would have to go to school on an empty stomach if it weren't for the Herculean effort put forth by the women working in the program. The snapshots you see only capture part of the essence of what they do. Before the kids get food, they have a time of worship and a devotional (soon to be led by Haidet and I on our days there). Obviously, there are children that take advantage of the program and use it just for the food. Of course they would--Haidet and I made some bomb pancakes. But the fact is, if just one of these kids decides to give their heart to Christ then the entire program is worth its hardships. Without question.

So, enjoy the pictures already!

"another fine bit of writing brought to you by yours truly"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Endings and beginnings...

 Wow. I can't believe it's been over a month since I last published a blog...
         And it was a pathetic one at that! To be fair, I've been realllllllly busy this summer. The thing is, in the last month I was just starting to realize how precious my friendships were that were forming among the other YUGO interns. That said, once I finally had some free time at night or maybe on the weekends, I chose to spend time with them. Hah... so take that, angry readers! It really is hard to believe that so many dear friends have already come and gone. Obviously, they'll always be with me in one sense--but let's face it, the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" exists for a reason. Even my adopted brother Thomas leaves on Tuesday! There are so many things I wish I could show you all. I wish I could drag you by the hand to the places where I've helped build houses, introduce you to "my kids" over in Colonia Oaxaca where I've helped on so many VBS teams. But I can't. It's hard for me to comprehend the real distance between my life in Oregon and my life in Mexico. In my heart, it's like you're all here with me, experiencing the same things I am. Of course you know who Jesus and David (sweetest little boys EVER) are! Of course you heard about the time Maddie and I sang "Lean on Me" to Alejandro at the top of our lungs! Of course you know who Melody is! Of course you have the inside scoop on "Codename: Chimichonga"! How you not?! But there it is. The infinite chasm of distance between me and you rears its ugly head. I get so frustrated calling home sometimes because I'll just want to tell a quick story that was funny to me from that day, but by the time the person picks up the phone I realize that it'll take an hour's worth of explaining to make them see the humor in the situation. Perhaps I've had to much time to myself this week. But it's really dawning on me that I'm here. And you're there. And so we find ourselves. In a sense separated by space (although not by time because, thank God, we're all on West Coast time...), this is your new relationship to me. I don't like it either. But that's what we've got. So I'm gonna try really hard to keep this blog updated. But please know that if I'm too tired, or too busy. It doesn't mean I'm not doing anything or I don't want to talk to you all. I can't tell you how much of a difference it makes when I get a second to check my Facebook and I see that someone has left me an encouraging message or something. I seriously don't always have time to write back, but those words can be like a lifeline here.
          There's this big word out there called "Purpose." Perhaps you've heard of it. It's like, that thing that's supposed to smack you upside of the head and declare to you a kind of schedule that will forever dictate your life--on its terms--until you have achieved some preset goal to some satisfactory point held by some person way off, in the sky, who does important things from time to time. Let's all take a moment on this word. Can we please set it on fire or something? It finally dawned on me last night that American culture is waaaaay too obsessed with this seven-letter word. I am too obsessed with this word. Growing up in a world where 5-year plans are held alongside giving alms to the poor and mortgage plans are considered a right of passage, I have really struggled with my "plan" here. Let's face it. I don't have one. Holding on to Scripture verses doesn't always feel as important or as real as a, say, job offer with "security". But God does not call us based on feeling or emotion. He calls us based on Himself and His faithfulness. God is the only Purpose the universe ever had, or ever will for that matter. All the time we spend trying to find our "purpose" could be adequately termed the time we spend trying to evade God. Because God is his Will. He doesn't have some kind of grand plan hidden out past Mars that we need to find. In and of Himself, He is everything He has ever or will ever purposed, planned, or promised. Period. To live in pursuit of God is to already be living one's purpose!
       Which brings me back to those e-mails some of you have faithfully sent me. I confess. I got dragged back into the pursuit of "Purpose"--that all-American god of pulling oneself up by the bootstrap to live. My Bachelor's Degree arrived at my house in the mail and my parents sent me a picture of it. Then, it happened. I began to question whether or not I was really "using" what God has "given me" in the best way. I began to feel this distance that I just described to you and suddenly home felt as far away as Antarctica. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night thinking I was back at home. But I wasn't. Luckily, God never leaves his kids alone. Thank goodness that God put honest people in the Bible.
      The Lord was really speaking to me last night about Paul. Let's transpose him to a modern-day Christian scholar. Do you realize that if Saul had lived during today's world, he would probably be Dean of some major Christian university on the East Coast, making bank and generally being awesome? He might even be invited to give some very important "inspirational" talks at the White House from time to time. Seriously! He was the rock star of his world. He had every sense of "purpose" that the Jewish culture could come up with. But you know what? He gave it all up. And he would probably be the equivalent of a Doctor of Theology in today's world. Can you imagine turning in a lifetime of study to make tents in some God-forsaken fishing town where the most intelligent conversation you can have would be about the proper way to clean the underside of one's boat? I'm being serious right now. Think about university professors. They're not exactly the kind that can shut their brains off. Someone accustomed to intense theological debate, passionate speeches, and having the final say in all matters of importance is now going to take orders from a simpleton in a small town who owns a tent making workshop? Good grief, man! And that's only the beginning! Do you realize that Paul never read the New Testament? I mean, obviously we know that he wrote most of it. But he didn't know that. He never got to see the real way in which God was using him. Yet he himself counted everything as joy. I mean, everything. I can't imagine the humility of an intellectual giant like Paul submitting himself in every way possible to a God he'd really only just met. So where does that leave me?
        I'm no Paul. I don't posses one ounce of his abilities, so the comparison is absurd in the first place. But my prayer is that God would transform my heart so that I to could say that I "count it all as rubbish" for the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I don't know why God called me to go to the UO right now. I don't know all things. And I never will. But the fact of the matter is that God does. He knows me better than I know myself. And I don't worship a God who dangles dreams, passions, and hopes in front of you only to snatch them away and laugh in your face. Paul's intellect is what made him arguably the most effective missionary in the history of the world. But to outside eyes, he would seem to be a "dropout" or something. I believe that God has put passions and yearnings in my heart. But I also believe that to trust God is to trust in His timing. So maybe it's not my time right now to do "everything" I can--whatever that means! But God is already starting to use me in ways that I hadn't planned on. I believe that God is realllllllllly confirming in my heart the call to lead worship. I had the great privilege of helping at YUGO by leading worship every once in a while. And let's just say that God has made it very clear that he's not finished with me as a worship leader. I was ready to let that dream go. But thanks be to God for reminding us all the time of his love and purpose!
        So, having just written my doctoral thesis on why I have no idea what I'm doing with my life... let me tell you what God IS doing with me right now. In a totally supernatural way that still blows my mind, he brought me to a missionary family right here in Chapultepec (same neighborhood as YUGO) and I'm living with them for the time being as an intern. But this time, I'll be getting really hands-on in ministry. These people--Randy and Sandy Huebert and their kids--have all kinds of different ministries here. They work in the migrant camps with things like feeding programs, they're connected with a ministry that works with victims of human trafficking, and they have a huge vision for working in and/or directing children's homes and orphanages. That's another story, but it's safe to say that it's a match made in Heaven--no pun intended! Sandy worked as a teacher in Canada before coming here, so her and I have all kinds of secret awesome plans for English lessons or cool things like that. Randy leads construction projects here and there when groups come to stay with them (like, last week they built a church!!!). I'm still just getting to know them, and they probably think I'm an awkward freak... but oh well. Their daughter Laurisa reminds me a lot of myself. I love her sarcasm! The way their house--thing--is set up, the first story is where Randy's parents live when they're here (like half the year-ish?), the second story is their house, and then there's a semi-attached building with an apartment on the 2nd story--my place! It's suuuuuuuch a nice place. I put pictures of it up on my Facebook if you haven't seen them yet. I'll be helping the Hueberts in a million different ways--perfect, in my opinion, because it'll never be boring--and they have been asking my about my ideas for ministry here. *Shouts of glee*
       God's been putting a lot of ideas on my heart that will need a lot more prayer, but let's just say that there really are doors opening for me here even if I can't see or feel it. I am actually going into one of the migrant camps to help Sandy give out school supplies to children to they can go to class on the first day of school. (I promise to try my hardest not to cry). I can't even begin to imagine how God chose me to be here. It's an unspeakable privilege, even if it is hard at times or I feel to small to do it. I'll definitely be updating my blog more often now that I know I'm in for the long haul in Mexico. Who knows? Maybe God has a Mexicano in mind for me here... tee hee! Hahah don't listen to that last sentence. I have no idea how the whole financial situation is going to work out down here, but God hasn't yet failed me.
          I feel like I'm on a roller coaster right now. It's that moment where you've been slowly heading upward, feeling almost bored. Then you get to the highest point, and there's a split second where you know that a deep, intense plunge is coming and you're about ready to jump out of the car. But somehow, you trust that the engineers actually knew what they were doing when they built the dumb thing so you just throw up your hands and scream. I say, bring it on, God!
         Like the prophet said, "Here I am, send me!"

Alyssa out.


"another fine bit of writing brought to you by yours truly"

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