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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Great is Thy Faithfulness... A quick comment on some of what God's up to here

Hello, Dear Readers!

This really doesn't relate so well to my previous post about the breakfast program, so in the name of immaculately-organized blogs I decided to waste more cyberspace and create a new post...  here goes.

     This still doesn't feel real, but I'm going to write the blog anyway. A few Sundays ago, a lady at my church here told me she needed to talk to me after the service. I knew her from YUGO--she volunteered with a group of ladies on Sunday afternoons to cook a special meal for the campers' first day. I had no idea what she needed to talk about, but as the ladies continuously joked about finding me my husband, I was only hoping she wasn't going to try to introduce me to anyone! Well, she began by saying, "Alyssa, the Lord has given me a word for you and I'm sorry it took so long for me to tell you the message." Oh. My. Word. Yeah, you could say she had my attention. This woman then began to go point-by-point, giving me answers to some pretty serious prayers of late. She told me, "The Lord has given you the anointing of worship leader. Seek God in praise and worship, and he will open the doors." That was only part of what she said! It was crazy. We talked for a little while longer, but we both went our ways after the service. God, however, had more in store for me that day.
      I was out of the house all afternoon that day, but for "some reason" when I got home that night after the youth service at church, I decided to check my computer. I had a message waiting for me from a friend saying that this person wanted to give support financially for me here during my time in Mexico. Great indeed is the faithfulness of our Father! It blows my mind. Remember the scripture that says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" ? Well, It's true!
      But wait! There's more!
      I've been invited as a "special musical guest" at a brunch for the church leadership/staff on Saturday, September 11th. It's apparently pretty important, and it's on the beach! I'm going to lead worship for about 20-30 minutes and then I'll be playing background music as they carry on and scarf down victuals, as it were. Please keep this date in prayer! I get realllllllly nervous when I sing in Spanish--and I'll be leading worship for a worship team. But you know what? We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. And if my God can put His words in the mouth of a lady at my church, and provide for me financially through a friend in another country, then maybe--just maybe--he can help me out with my nerves too.
      Let us never forget to trust in the One who is worthy of all out devotion! Believe me. I am speaking from experience when I tell you that if you are seeking God, he will take care of the rest. We do not need to waste mental energy agonizing over the details. Instead, save that mental energy to think about Him and trust in His faithfulness.

"another fine bit of writing brought to you by yours truly"

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